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Terms that are in use on this site.

There are 111 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition

Increases the efficiency and number of on-street parking spaces; provides a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly design than traditional parallel parking.


A local road, typically running parallel to a route with a higher functional classification, used to provide alternative access to properties.


Sensors used to detect bicycles for traffic actuated signals at signalized intersections.


Portion of the street designated by striping, signing, or pavement markings for preferential or exclusive use by bicyclists.  Bike lanes are established with appropriate pavement markings and signing to delineate the right of way assigned to bicyclists and motorists, and to provide more predictable movements by each.  Bike lanes are usually paired one-way facilities located on both sides of streets with moderate to heavy traffic volumes.  Steeply sloped streets can have bike lanes on one side for climbing, while it may not be necessary to stripe lanes on the downhill side because bicycle speeds approach motor vehicles on these sections. The minimum width of a bike lane is 4 feet in most areas, or 5 feet when adjacent to on-street parking or if measured from the curb face.  Bicycle lane design at intersections must be treated carefully to minimize conflicts between bicycle and auto movements.


Designated, marked area at a signalized intersection that places bicycles at the front of the queue.  Bike boxes increase the visibility of bicyclists and allow them to enter/clear the intersection before motor vehicles.


The longest dimension of a block, from one intersection to the next.  Shorter blocks create a denser network, which can help disperse traffic and create additional route choices for all modes.


A wide street, usually with a median or promenade, lined with trees.


Portion of the roadway between the curb or edge of the pavement and the sidewalk; used to separate pedestrians and vehicles.  Buffers often include landscaping, trees, or utility poles.


An extension of the sidewalk or curb line into the parking lane to reduce the effective street width. Also known as curb bulb-outs or neckdowns, curb extensions significantly improve pedestrian crossings by reducing the pedestrian crossing distance, visually and physically narrowing the roadway, improving the ability of pedestrians and motorists to see each other, and reducing the time that pedestrians are in the street.  Curb extensions are only appropriate where there is an on-street parking lane. Curb extensions should not extend more than 6 feet from the curb, and must not extend into travel lanes, bicycle lanes or shoulders. The turning needs of larger vehicles, such as school buses, need to be considered in curb extension design.

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